Cookies Policy

How we use cookies

Many cookies on our websites perform essential functions and enable you to move around our websites and use their features; for example, when you log in to your Keovel Beauty Co. account, they remember the information in your account. We refer to these cookies in this policy as ” Strictly Necessary Cookies&quot.

Other cookies are not essential, but they help us understand how our websites are used by visitors, so that we can improve what we do online. We use Web Analytics tools for this. They look at things like how long our websites take to load, how they are used, and what information visitors to our sites look at most. This helps us to improve the way our websites work, for example, by ensuring that you find what you are looking for easily. They also help identify any parts of our websites that aren’t working as well as they should – so we can fix things and make our websites better for you and other users. We refer to these cookies in this policy as “Analytics Cookies”. 

Additional cookies allow our websites to recognize you when you return to our websites. 
This enables us to remember choices that you make (such as your username, language, or the region you are in) and provide enhanced, more personal features. We refer to these cookies in this policy as “

Functional Cookies”.

A further type of cookie lets us know how well our online advertising works, and where we should place our online advertisements. These cookies let us know if one of our advertisements on another website like Google or Yahoo has sent a visitor to a Keovel Beauty Co website. This type of cookie also helps us reach people who are more interested in Keovel Beauty Co. products. This is known as re-marketing or behavioral advertising and is used to make our advertising more relevant to your interests. We refer to these cookies in this policy as “Targeting


We also combine information collected from cookies with any records we may have of you as a customer of Keovel Beauty Co. For example, we combine information collected from cookies with personal information you share with us, or information from Keovel Beauty Co. products, for the profiling and statistical analysis of product popularity, of your behavior when you use a Keovel Beauty Co. website or of how Keovel Beauty Co. products are used.